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ITIL® 4 Process Library

General Management Practices        Service Management Practices        Technical Management Practices


Tenderable Roles        Checklists        Templates


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1. General IT Process Landscape

Overview of all ITSM processes with reference to ITIL® 4 and ITIL® 2011 (lifecycle view), as well as all relevant surrounding processes and organizational interfaces of the company.


2. IT Service Lifecycle according to ITIL® 4 and ITIL® 2011

IT service lifecycle according to ITIL® 2011 as a comparative reference.


3. General Management Practices according to ITIL® 4

3.1. Architecture Management

Architecture Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Management of Enterprise Architecture



Continuous harmonization of the IT architecture with the requirements of the business strategy, the enterprise architecture and the IT strategy and the customer requirements as well.


3.2. Continual Improvement and IT Quality Management


Continual Improvement and IT Quality Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Planning of Improvement Activities



Planning of improvement activities regarding their dependencies.


Management of Improvement Activities


Implementation of initiatives for realization of detected improvement potentials.


Process Coordination


  Coordination of life-cycles of IT service management processes and securing friction free integration. 

Process Controlling


  Assessment of IT service management processes by analysis of their performance indicators and deduction of improvement potentials.

Improvement Reporting


  Collective reporting for all improvement initiatives.

3.3. Information Security


Information Security Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.

Implementation of Security Controls


Definition and implementation of organizational and technical activities to protect the IT organization (IT services, IT infrastructure, data) in respect to availability, privacy and integrity.


Validation of IT Security


Regular validation of effectiveness of the IT security activities and -installations.


Validation of IT Security


Detection and defense of IT security violations.


Security Review and Reporting


Check for risk conformity of the IT security activities and reporting about IT security management.


3.4. Knowledge Management


Knowledge Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.

Knowledge Management


Collection, analysis, archiving and provision of knowledge and information of IT service management within the enterprise.


3.5. Measurement and Reporting


Measurement and Reporting Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.

Service Review


Periodical review of the IT services for possible economic and customer oriented improvements.


Process Review


Checking the IT service management processes on regular basis and introduction of necessary activities thereof.


3.6. Organizational Change Management


Organizational Change Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.

Organizational Change Management


Implementation of organizational changes according to urgency, with secured resources and management focus.


3.7. Portfolio Management


Portfolio Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.

Preparation for Service Design


Definition and analysis of requirements for new respective modified services from IT perspective.


Initiation of Service Design


Triggering of service design via change management.


Review and Maintenance of the Service Portfolio


Review and maintenance of the service portfolio over the life cycle.


3.8. Project Management


Project Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.

Project Management Practice


Setup of the project, planning of resources and basic dates, risk- and environmental considerations.


Project Planning


Planning of project structure, definition of goals and results for the project, detailed time-, milestone- and resource planning.


Project Planning


Project controlling and execution of corrective activities if necessary.


3.9. RelationshipManagement


Relationship Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Care for Customer Relations



Management of existing customer relations and creation of relations to prospects.


Demand Prognosis


Analysis of the IT service consumption and creation of a forecast thereto.


Demand Control



Control of the IT service consumption by appropriate technical and financial means.

Contract Conclusion for IT Standard Services



Agree on the provision contracts for IT standard services with the IT service consumers.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys



Proactive collection of information about the satisfaction of the IT service consumers with the IT services and introduction of necessary related activities.

Customer Feedback Management

  Targeted collection of and reaction to customer feedback including triggering necessary corrective actions. 

Monitoring of Customer Complaints

  Permanent monitoring of customer complaints to enable necessary counter activities. 

3.10. Risk Management


Risk Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Risk Analysis from Business Perspective



Analysis of criticality of IT services and -components (especially regarding value add and time response of the business processes that are supported by these IT services).


Risk Analysis from IT Perspective


Analysis of criticality from the perspective of the IT organization (technology and human resources).


Risk Evaluation


  Assign responsibility for the risk, evaluation and classify risks.

Risk Prevention Activities


Activities against detected risks including process and responsibilities thereto.

Risk Monitoring and Reporting


  Management of risk avoiding activities (surveillance, corrective actions) and reporting thereto.

3.11. Service Financial Management


Service Financial Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


IT Financial Organization



Definition and communication of rules and structures for the economic control of IT service provision.


IT Budgeting


Creation of the budgets for the IT for integration into the overall company's budget and approval as part of the company wide budgeting process.


IT Forecast


  Monthly forecast to compare the realized results with budget and creation of a projection for the following periods.

IT Cost Monitoring


  Collection, allocation and monitoring of the costs of IT service delivery.

Invoicing for IT Services



Creation and transmission of invoices for the IT service delivery to the customer.

IT Profitability Analysis


Analysis of profitability of the IT services.

IT Financial Reporting

  Reporting of planned, current and forecasted costs and revenues of the IT services and possible improvements of the profitability. 

3.12. Strategy Management


Strategy Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Assessment of IT Service Strategy



Strategic evaluation of the organization of the IT service provider and of the offered IT services within the strategic framework.


Conception of IT Service Strategy


Definition of the service strategy and harmonization with the business strategy.


Implementation of IT Service Strategy


  Operational implementation of the IT service strategy.

3.13. Supplier Management


Supplier Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Organization of Supplier Management



Provision of guidelines and standards for procurement of services and products.


Supplier Evaluation


Evaluation and selection of new potential suppliers.


Setup of Supplier Contracts


  Negotiation and signing of binding contracts with suppliers. This process is started in case of demand for external services or supplies on a big scale.

Requirement Request


  Processing, checking and releasing of requirement requests for goods and services.

Supplier Selection


  For the current requirement the optimal supplier is defined. If no one exists in the database the supplier evaluation is triggered. 

Life-Cycle Management for Supplier Contracts

  Review of the relevance of current supplier contracts and termination of no longer needed contracts. 

Supplier Review and Reporting

  Monitoring of the quality of suppliers, corrective actions and selection of alternative suppliers in case of continued deficiencies. 

3.14. Workforce and TalentManagement


Workforce and Talent Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Actualization of Qualification Requirements



Review of requirements to personnel qualification and triggering of adequate activities to ensure sufficient qualification in case of changed requirements.


Planning of Activities for Personnel Qualification


Planning of adequate activities to ensure sufficient qualification according to the quality requirements.


Monitoring of Activities for Personnel Qualification


  Control of execution and effectivity of adequate activities to ensure sufficient qualification according to the quality requirements.

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4. Service Management Practices according to ITIL® 4

4.1. Availability Management


Availability Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Planning and Monitoring of Availability



Planning and permanent monitoring of current availabilities of IT services and IT infrastructure and introduction of necessary activities thereof.


Availability Testing


Regular and event-driven validation of procedures and automatisms for availability, reliability and restart after breakdown.


Availability Reporting


  Information of all requesters and stakeholders from other ITSM disciplines about the availability of the IT services and the IT infrastructure compared to the agreed service levels and corrective actions in case of availability issues as well.

4.2. Business Analysis


Business Analysis Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Business Analysis



Identification of required service outcomes from the customer's respective prospect's perspective and harmonization with the service portfolio, determine the impact on enterprise architecture and business and IT processes.


Management of User Profiles


Definition and maintenance of standardized user profiles for business conforming user roles.


4.3. Capacity- and Performance Management


Capacity- and Performance Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Capacity Prognosis



Prognosis of the capacity requirements from business perspective and historical data of the IT services.


Monitoring of Capacity and Performance


Permanent monitoring of service capacities and performance, introduction of necessary activities thereof.


Capacity and Performance Reporting


  Information for all requesters and stakeholders about the capacity of the IT services and the IT infrastructure, their utilization and performance.

4.4. Change Control


Change Control Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Organization of Change Control



Definition and maintenance of guidelines and templates for the change management.


Registration and Classification of Changes


Assessment of completeness and initial feasibility of changes and prioritizing.


Valuation of Changes


  Release or denial of changes respective triggering of priority activities for urgent changes.

Change Planning


  Holistic planning of realization of all changes regarding their interdependencies and available resources.

Change Evaluation prior to Planning


  Evaluation of extensive changes prior to authorization of the planning phase of the change.

Change Evaluation prior to Realization


  Evaluation of extensive changes prior to authorization of the realization phase of the change.

Change Evaluation prior to Rollout

  Evaluation of extensive changes prior to authorization of the deployment phase of the change. 

Change Evaluation after Rollout

  Evaluation of extensive changes after the deployment phase of the change. 

Change Review and Reporting

  Final review of realized changes in the post implementation review and reporting thereto. 

4.5. Incident Management


Incident Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Organization of Incident Management



Creation and maintenance of the guidelines for the incident management.


Incident Troubleshooting Second Level


Incident troubleshooting by specialists of the second level support within agreed time frame, if necessary involvement of the third level support.


Incident Monitoring and Escalation


  Monitoring of incident troubleshooting and escalation in case of troubles during incident solutions.

Major Incidents


  Prioritized processing of grave incidents (major incidents) and involving the problem management if necessary.

Incident Tracking and Closure



Ensuring the effectiveness of incident solution and formal closing.


User Information

  Information of the users about known respective planned interruptions or disturbances of IT services and the progress of incident and problem troubleshooting and other miscellaneous information demands.

Incident Reporting

  Reporting and information provision about the incident occurrences and related information.

4.6. IT AssetManagement


IT Asset Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Manual capture of IT Assets



Manual recording of IT Assets in the Configuration Management System for IT Assets that cannot be recorded with the help of automation.


Automated capture of IT Assets


Automated detection and documentation of Configuration Items, manual maintenance if required.

Preparation of new/changed IT Asset data


Rework requirements identified in the course of automated IT Asset data collection are processed.


Preparation of new/changed personnel data


Rework requirements identified in the course of the automated collection of personnel data are processed.

Inventory of IT Assets


Regular and event-driven inventory of IT Assets.

Criticality analysis for IT Assets


Analysis and assessment of criticality and threats to IT Assets, definition of actions on identified and assessed risks.

Risk measures for IT Assets


Planning and implementation of risk measures for identified threats from the risk analysis, or for threats not identified in the risk analysis that have occurred.

Life cycle management of IT Assets


Maintaining IT Asset information in the Configuration Management System over the lifecycle of IT Assets.

End of life cycle of IT assets


Handling IT Assets at the end of their useful life.

4.7. Monitoring and Event Management


Monitoring and Event Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Organization of Monitoring and Event Management



Setup and maintenance of systems and guidelines for event recognition.


Event Monitoring


Recognition and filtering of those events that require activities, and introduction of necessary activities thereof.


Event Tracking and Closure


  Check of activities to events for effectivity and trend analysis.

4.8. Problem Management


Problem Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Problem Registration



Registration, documentation and categorization respective prioritizing of problems and triggering of the problem solution.


Problem Solution


Detection and elimination of the causes for the problem, as far as necessary provision of workarounds.


Problem Tracking and Closure


  Monitoring of the problem solution and documentation of causes and corrective actions and formal closing.

Review of Major Problems


  Analysis of major problems and definition of preventive actions against reoccurrence of major problems.

Problem Reporting



Reporting and provision of information about the problem occurrences.


4.9. Release Management


Release Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Organization of Release Management



Definition and maintenance of guidelines for the release management.


Release Setup


Execution of all internal and external activities to provide the release components.


Startup Support and Closing of Releases


  Support of the go-life-phase for releases and correction of initial defects.

End of Life for IT Services


  Management of the end of life-cycle for IT services.

Transition Reporting



Project reporting and continuous information of concerned and involved people (stakeholders). 

4.10. Service CatalogueManagement


Service Catalogue Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Service Catalogue Management



Maintenance of the service catalogue and the service landscape within the service portfolio.


4.11. Service ConfigurationManagement


Service Configuration Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Organization of Service Configuration Management



Definition and implementation of guidelines for the handling of and the structure for the Configuration Management System.


Continuous Improvement in Service Configuration Management


Planning and implementation of measures for continuous improvement of Service Configuration Management.


Auditing the Configuration Management Database



Regularly, but also on an ad hoc basis, ensuring the adequacy and ability to fulfil the purpose of the Configuration Management System database.

Change of Organization and Location


Organizational changes (including location changes) are mapped in the Service Configuration Management System.

4.12. Service ContinuityManagement


Service Continuity Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Contingency Planning



Planning and implementation of activities for disaster handling (prevention, restart, damage minimization).


Disaster Practice


Training for and verification of effectiveness of planned disaster activities.


Service Continuity Management Review and Reporting


  Verification of conformity of contingency planning with current risk scenario and reporting for the IT service continuity management.

4.13. Service Design


Service Design Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Organization of Service Design



Coordination and provision of the resources and skills for the design of IT services based upon a standardized methodology.


Planning of Service Design


Detailed planning of all activities within the phase of service design.


Monitoring of Service Design


  Coordination of design activities of all processes of service design and evaluation whether the new respective modified IT service can be provided in an economic manner regarding the requirements of the customers.

Technical and organizational Service Design


  Technical specification (functionality, availability, capacity) and technical and organizational implementation concept for IT services.

Review of Service Design


  Completeness check of the service design package and formal submitting of the request for change for the implementation. 

4.14. Service Desk


Service Desk Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Incident- and Request Registration



Registration, documentation and categorization respective prioritizing of incidents and service requests and triggering of the further activities and the troubleshooting.


First Level Solution


Immediate solution of the incident as far as possible in agreed schedule, otherwise transfer to second level support.


4.15. Service Level Management


Service Level Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Organization of Service Level Management



Creation and maintenance of organizational rules for the service level management.


Service Level Requirement


Definition of requirements to the IT service from business perspective.


Service Level Agreement



Definition of the necessary contracts (operational level agreements, underpinning contracts, service level agreement) for the IT service.

Service Approval



Signature of all contracts for the release of the IT Service to operation.

Service Level Review and Reporting



Monitoring and reporting of the current service level results and comparison with the respective goals. 

4.16. Service Request Management


Service Request Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Service Request



Handling of service requests.


Backup Recovery Request


Processing of backup recoveries.


Enlistment and Retirement



Management of IT infrastructure and IT service permissions supply for new employees respective handling of data and shutdown of permissions for IT services in case of retirement.

User Permission Request



Handling of requests for user permissions of IT services. 

4.17. Service Validation and Testing


Service Validation and Testing Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Definition of Test Procedures



Definition of test content, test cases and test conditions.


Component Tests


Ensuring requirements-conforming function of the IT service components for the IT service.


Integration Test


  Ensuring requirements-conforming function of the IT services by interaction of the IT service components.

Acceptance Test


  Acceptance testing of the IT service against specifications in the service level agreement by the IT service consumers.

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5. Technical Management Practices according to ITIL® 4

5.1. Deployment Management


Deployment Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.





Placement of the release within the production environment including documentation and training.


Minor Deployments


Simplified processing of deployments that contain minor change and low risk.


5.2. Infrastructure- and PlatformManagement


Infrastructure- and Platform Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Definition of the IT Technology Portfolio



Definition of a strategy-based IT technology portfolio (IT technology strategy).


Management of the IT Technology Portfolio


Management of a strategy-based IT technology portfolio (IT technology strategy).


IT Operations Management


  Monitoring and control of the organization of operation of IT services, IT infrastructure and IT facilities.

Contingency Activities



Handling of emergency situations. 

5.3. Software Development and Management


Software Development and Management Practice



Overview of the practice and interfaces of the practice.


Application Development and Customizing



Realization respective customization of IT applications for provision of functionalities of IT services.


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6. Tenderable Roles

  • 1st Level Support

  • 2nd Level Support

  • 3rd Level Support

  • Application Manager

  • Availability Manager

  • Business Analyst

  • Business Controller

  • Business Relationship Manager

  • Capacity Manager

  • Change Advisory Board

  • Change Manager

  • Change Owner

  • Chief Information Officer

  • Compliance Manager

  • Continual Service Improvement Manager

  • Control Responsible

  • Demand Carrier

  • Document Owner

  • Emergency Change Advisory Board

  • Enterprise Architect

  • Financial Manager

  • Identity and Access Manager

  • Incident Manager

  • Information Security Manager

  • IT Controller

  • IT Facilities Manager

  • IT Operations Manager

  • IT Operator

  • IT Service Consumer

  • IT Service Continuity Manager

  • IT Steering Committee

  • Knowledge Manager

  • Problem Manager

  • Process Manager

  • Process Owner

  • Project Manager

  • Project Owner

  • Release Manager

  • Risk Manager

  • Risk Responsible

  • Service Asset and Configuration Manager

  • Service Catalogue Manager

  • Service Design Manager

  • Service Desk

  • Service Level Manager

  • Service Owner

  • Service Portfolio Manager

  • Service Strategy Manager

  • Service Transition Manager

  • Solution Architect

  • Solution Developer

  • Supplier Manager

  • Technical Architect

  • Test Manager

  • User


7. Checklists

  • Availability Planning

  • Availability Reporting

  • Capacity Forecast

  • Capacity Planning

  • Capacity Reporting

  • Change Advisory Board Agenda

  • Change Classification

  • Change Record

  • Configuration Management System Audit

  • Configuration Management System

  • Continual Service Improvement Register

  • Disaster Plan

  • Disaster Practice Protocol

  • Financial Analysis

  • Forward Schedule of Changes

  • Incident Closing

  • Incident Escalation

  • Incident Management Report

  • Incident Priority

  • Incident Record

  • Initial Analysis of Incident

  • IT Risk Analysis

  • IT Service Continuity Plan

  • IT Service Continuity Report

  • Operational Level Agreement

  • Post Implementation Review

  • Problem Closing

  • Problem Management Report

  • Problem Priority

  • Problem Record

  • Release Plan

  • Request for Change

  • Service Catalogue

  • Service Design Package

  • Service Evaluation Report

  • Service Level Agreement Review

  • Service Level Agreement

  • Service Level Report

  • Service Level Requirement

  • Service Portfolio

  • Service Specification

  • Underpinning Contract


8. Templates

  • Availability Plan

  • Capacity Plan

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