
.... experience counts ....

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Our Company


We serve our customers in the industries

  • Telecommunication

  • Service / IT / Media

  • Manufacturing

  • Public Administration

for years successfully to save many millions of Euro and in parallel increase the quality of life for the people within these enterprises by achieved success. This we proved e. g. in the leading telecommunications companies in Austria, Croatia and Bulgaria, big manufacturers and service providers in Austria, Germany and Switzerland as well.

We are proud that in the many years of our operation we were able to realize all projects to the upmost satisfaction of our customers, no project missed even one single goal!

We achieve this as a network of highly qualified management consultants having long term management experience in the respective area working together for our customers based on common quality standards and proven methodologies. According to the engagement goals we set up a team with respective skill profile matching the requirements of the engagement in an optimal way.


Together with our partners we are competent to address all topics of business management. This includes strategic and organizational aspects as well as according system support.


Our company was founded in January 2008 as subsequent enterprise of stratCON Management Consulting and serves after 9 years of their operation the consulting projects of our customers in usual quality in the future.


Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting - Our Mission


We are management consultants with international experience. We emphasize on objectivity, independence and practical relevance in all our thoughts and activities.


Our goal is holistic consulting, cooperation with partners and system providers assures single source solution competence. We focus on realization besides analysis and conception. We are guided by the rule of benefits optimization for our clients. People and their Quality of Life are the central element of business activities.


In our role as partner of the customer we create realistic expectations about projects and their goals. We design sustainable change processes together with our customers. Furthermore we are willing to take responsibility for implementation by Time Based Management.

 About us Consulting Services Solutions
 Organization Service Concept Overview
 Management Performance Management ITSM Process Library
 Partner Process Management 3.0 QM Process Library
 References IT Service Management SAP Signavio Process Manager
 Social Engagement Project Management Software AG ARIS
 Business Terms Holistic Project Support Academic Initiative
 Legal Disclaimer   Affiliate Program
 Links Shop Contact 
  ITSM Shop Imprint & Data Protection
  TQM Shop Newsletter
 Social Corner   +43 (664) 3088983
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 © 2006 - 2024 Dipl.-Ing. Walter Abel Management Consulting Last update 23.07.2024